Department of Electronics
The Department has a spacious laboratory equipped with
- Digital Laser Projector (DLP) for teaching learning and seminar activities.
- Computers: Three new computers with configurations suitable for exploring newer versions of software, equipment and experimentation are available.
- Gw-instek 200MHz Digital storage oscilloscope: 07 Nos
- Regol 25MHz Advanced Function generator: 05 Nos
- 0-20 MHz PC based Oscilloscope and Digital signal analyser
- TINA V-12 Electronics Simulation software students version
- 20MHz Cathode ray Oscilloscope: 5Nos.
- 1MHz Function Generator: 05
- Multi-meters: > 40Nos.
- 0-30V 2A Power Supplies: 4Nos
- 0 to + 30V 2A Power Supply: 2Nos
- 8085 Microprocessors: 10 Nos.
- 8051 Microcontroller Kits: 07 Nos
- Experimental kits: > 50kits
- Drilling Machine, Vice, and Grinder for workshop
- 55 subject related Books in Departmental library